COMULISglobe Lab Exchange - Mobility Grant
We are happy to introduce COMULISglobe Lab Exchange Grants as funding for researchers’ mobility.
The aim of these grants is
1) to visit a laboratory that is specialized on a specific imaging method to learn about this technique and implement it at your home institute
2) you can apply for financial support for travel and accommodation if you were granted synchrotron or Euro-BioImaging time-slots to perform your experiments.
All proposed projects should have a multimodal imaging approach and the proposed working plan should include realistic cost estimate. Travel and accommodation costs can be supplemented via a COMULISglobe Lab Exchenge Grant.
Funding conditions apply and must be respected: A mobility grant for lab exchange usually covers travel and subsistence costs. The financial support granted by a lab exchange grant is a contribution to the costs of the project/mission and may not necessarily cover all the costs.
In general, grants will represent an average contribution to a maximum of 3 000 US Dollars based on invoices from COMULISglobe to the applicant.
Please, note that the mobility grant will be paid to the successful applicants on completion of the labexchange and after evaluation of the final report.
Read more about the specific requirements and the application process HERE.
Plan your project using multimodal imaging methods, select a HOST institute and obtain the support letter from the HOST institute (template HERE).
Submit the complete documents via email
Short Curriculum Vitae
Motivation letter
Each submitted Lab Exchange Grant application will be evaluated by the Evaluation Committee considering the previously defined evaluation criteria and applicants will be informed of the Committee’s decision in due time.
Successful applicants must submit a scientific report (template) to the HOST Institution and to the Lab Exchange Grant Coordinator within 30 days from the end date of the Lab Exchange Grant in order to receive the granted funds.
The report should describe:
Purpose of the visit (Statement of the project aim(s) and objectives)
Description of the work carried out (Describe the work that was undertaken)
Description of the main results obtained (Describe the main outcomes of the work)
Future collaboration with host institution (Describe any likely follow-on work with the host institution arising from the visit- if applicable)
Projected publications/articles resulting or to result from the mobility grant for lab exchange (Mention any publications that may arise from the visit - if applicable)
Confirmation by the host of the successful execution of the mission (Provide a brief affirmation by the Host researcher -with their signature- that the mobility grant for lab exchange was carried out successfully. It can be included in the report or as a separate accompanying document)
NOTE: Publications resulting from mobility grant for lab exchange activities should acknowledge COMULISglobe CZI support. Please consider the guidelines for reimbursement for further information.