COMULIS Multimodal Image Registration Challenge
Image registration/alignment is a key requirement for correlative analysis. Today this is often performed using ad-hoc solutions, with a lot of manual effort and poor reproducibility. Aiming to reach more efficient and standardized approaches, including objective evaluation, COMULIS has initiated working towards a COMULIS Multimodal Image Registration Challenge, to identify the best available techniques to address this task.
To organize such a challenge, we need suitable Multimodal Datasets for methods' evaluation, and we are therefore asking for your support to help us collect such data.
We observe the following requirements on the data:
At least two modalities showing the same sample, preferably in 3D
We look for a broad range of different types of image data at all scales
Can be publicly shared (presumably already published at least once)
Ground truth alignment information is available
either already aligned image volumes (e.g. from integrated imaging)
or reliable fiducials/ROIs (withheld markers or reliable expert annotations)
In organizing a Challenge utilizing your dataset, we envision worldwide attention to your data (leading to citations) and in particular, focused effort on finding, refining and developing methods for, as efficiently and reliably as possible, solving the image registration problems which you and your colleagues may be struggling with.
In case you have a dataset that fits the above three requirements, and would like to support the community (and receive fame and citations) PLEASE CONTACT US.
In addition, we are pleased to announce the first COMULISglobe Challenge, as a part of the Learn2Reg Challenge (Task 3 and Task 4).
Join the challenge and test your multimodal image registration algorithms!
Results will be announced at the WBIR workshop during MICCAI conference and of course at our annual conference in South Africa.