Filtering by: WG Meeting

to Jan 30

Past Event - Working Group meetings

  • Keramikou Nicosia undefined (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During the last Grant Period, we recognized the importance of separate WG3 meeting to push forward novel multimodal pipelines in so-called showcase pipelines. This requires bringing together experts in diverse fields to work jointly on a biomedical research questions that will be tackled by correlative multimodal imaging including data integration and analysis. We plan to organize a specific meeting for this, close to a laboratory which is already proactively imaging such a sample.

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9:00 AM09:00

Past Event - NEUBIAS Taggathon Working Group Meeting

Taggathons are NEUBIAS' original concept and is an effort to bridge the life science world and the image processing world. As compared to hackathon where developers gather to code, here people gather to "tag" information in a database to create a searchable online repository for the community (the webtool). The aim is to manually annotate available implementations of image processing algorithms to offer easier access to versatile bioimage analysis components and workflows. Their mutual relationship accessible in the webtool facilitates the customization of workflows. The webtool workgroup of the NEUBIAS action organizes Taggathons to construct and to deliver the webtool:

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10:00 AM10:00

Past Event - Focus Session on COMULIS - EMIM, Glasgow

In joint efforts with the European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI), the European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM) hosts a focus session on Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences organized by COMULIS. This session aims at presenting novel correlated multimodal imaging workflows and at bridging the gap between biological and preclinical imaging. A programme will follow soon.

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Past Event - MC & WG Meetings - Porto
to Jan 22

Past Event - MC & WG Meetings - Porto

The MC Meeting of the first Grant Period takes place in Porto, and will be embedded in Work Group (WG) Meetings on January 21st & 22nd, 2019. The MC comprises the national representatives of each COST Full or Cooperating Member. It ensures the coordination, implementation and management of the Action's activities and supervises the appropriate allocation and use of the COST funds to accomplish COMULIS’ research coordination objectives and capacity building objectives. The WG Meetings will work towards achieving the specific WG deliverables, such as implementing repositories for correlated multimodal imaging (CMI) and databases for correlation software. The WG Meetings will help to establish commonly-accepted protocols and quality standards for existing CMI approaches, identify and showcase novel CMI pipelines, and bridge the gap between preclinical and biological imaging. A programme will follow soon.

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