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Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences






The next COMULISglobe Conference will be held on January 20th-21st, 2025 at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, followed by a 3-day CLEM workshop January 22nd-24th.

For further information and registration, please visit our conference page.


Don’t miss updates on registration, exciting networking and funding opportunities and join the COMULIS Society and COMULISglobe Mailing list!



Multimodal Imaging Workshop March 21st-22nd, 2024

COMULIS proudly presents the Correlative Multimodal Imaging Workshop @FOM2024 in Genua!

Check out the exciting workshop program!

Register HERE for the training school!

Please also explore additional options for financial support from:

MOSBRI (only for European candidates)

SeeLife (through Euro-BioImaging)

RI_Hubs (only for Latin-American candidates)




Open Calls for Correlative Multimodal Imaging Projects at Euro-BioImaging Nodes

Within the framework of the COMULISglobe project, we will be awarding a total of 4 grants for access to Euro-BioImaging Nodes, specifically designed to support correlative and multimodal imaging.

Two grants will be awarded to European researchers (including from non-EU countries that are Euro-BioImaging members) accessing services at Euro-BioImaging Nodes. Each grant will provide up to EUR 2000 in support of imaging projects that tackle important research questions using two or more imaging modalities.

Two grants will be awarded for international (non-European) researchers accessing services at Euro-BioImaging Nodes. Each grant will provide up to EUR 3000 in support of imaging projects employing two or more imaging modalities.

Eligible Costs

Travel costs, consumables, instrumentation access costs, or sample mailing fees are eligible costs. 

How to apply

To apply for this funding, please complete the full Euro-BioImaging access application and indicate that you are applying for COMULISglobe funding in the application form. In your application, specifically highlight the ways in which access to multimodal correlative imaging technologies is particularly essential to your research question.

Deadline for submission of the application: November 1st, 5 pm CEST.

Selection criteria

Applications will be evaluated by experts in correlative imaging after the deadline and selected for funding based on scientific excellence and impact, and how central correlative and multimodal imaging is in achieving the intended outcomes. Diversity among selected projects in terms of research domain, imaging technologies, and location, will be taken into account in the evaluation.

How the funding works

The grants will be delivered as reimbursements to the users and/or to their hosting Institutions after presentation of the related receipts/invoices. Please note: the party receiving the reimbursement is liable for any tax that should be imposed upon receipt of the reimbursement. Users will be provided with more details after award of the grants.

Please contact us at for more information or if you need support for applying for a user access grant.

COMULIS proudly presents the training School “Imaging Across Scales” in Bern.


COMULISglobe - Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

We are delighted and proud to announce the founding of Chan-Zuckerberg-Initiative to the "COMULISglobe: Multimodal Imaging across Scales in Life Sciences" project to harness the power of multimodal imaging across scales from basic research to clinical diagnostics, facilitate access, and train a new generation of scientists!




We are happy to announce that COMULIS was awarded a COST Innovators Grant (CIG) for the MultEMplex project, as an extension of the COST action to develop commercial applications based on our scientific expertise.

Faites Vos Jeux!

Moving high-resolution in cellulo structural biological of infectious processes from the roulette table to the chess board.

The COST Innovators Grant (CIG) is an initiative that aims to build bridges between research and take up at market, product, service, or societal level. CIGs aim to enhance the pace and success of research breakthroughs and as such, offers ending Actions the possibility to create additional impact during the year after the end of the Action.

The MultEMplex CIG is active until October 2023 and can provide the same networking activities available to COST Actions such as Virtual Mobility Grants, Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) or Dissemination Conference Grants.


COMULIS Conference
September 21th-22nd, 2022 in Nicosia, Cyprus

Following the successful COMULIS conferences in Austria and Sweden, the 3rd Annual Conference of the COMULIS COST Action will take place as an in-person event, with FREE OF CHARGE participation (a nominal contribution towards meals and transportation is requested from those who wish to avail of these services), 21-22 September 2022 (Work Group Meetings on September 20th), in Nicosia, Cyprus. The COMULIS Conference will be preceded by a day dedicated to COMULIS internal Working Group and Management Committee meetings, to work on joint deliverables and objectives.




IMAGING COMPENDIUM - available for purchase

We are proud to announce the publication of two book chapters providing a comprehensive collection of the imaging techniques that are used in the biological and preclinical areas.




Initiative towards a COMULIS Multimodal Image Registration Challenge

  • Image registration/alignment is a key requirement for correlative analysis

  • Today often ad-hoc solutions with a lot of manual effort and poor reproducibility

  • Aim towards more standardized approaches, including objective evaluation

We are looking for Multimodal Datasets


  • At least two modalities showing the same sample, preferably in 3D

    • We look for a broad range of different types of image data at all scales

  • Can be publicly shared (presumably already published at least once)

  • Ground truth alignment information is available

    • either aligned image volumes (e.g. from integrated imaging)

    • or reliable fiducials/ROIs (withheld markers or reliable expert annotations)

If you have such a dataset and would like to support the community (and receive fame and citations) please contact Joakim Lindblad.



COMULIS & Euro-BioImaging proudly present…

…an exciting new lecture series as part of the Virtual Pub will host speakers involved in the COMULIS COST Action for the “Correlative Imaging Series”. Talks will focus on multi-modality imaging combining a range of different imaging techniques and the biological and biomedical applications they can address.

More information about each talk at Events schedule

Do not miss the next talk of this exciting lecture series on March 18th, 2022, at 1 pm CEST by Silvia Pujals.



We have 4 Open Calls available:


2) Receiving Applications for
Mobility Grants for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

3) Receiving Applications for
VIRTUal mobility grants

4) Receiving Applications For Dissemination Conference Grants



COMULIS has joined multiple COST actions, coordinated by a COST science officer, to help network on COVID research, please find here the booklet presenting all these actions.