We are happy to announce that we have opened an activity that is centered on "mobility grants", also called Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs). In a Nutshell, Early Career Investigatos (ECI) and and Experience Image Scientists, from Research Labs, Core facilities or Industry, can apply for funds to cover their expenses when visiting a Host Lab in a different country (Lab or industry) where they will perform a short scientific project strictly focused on Correlative Multimodal projects, and that should enable: 1) collaborations on innovative CMI methods, 2) access to CMI technology and/or image analysis tools for scientists lacking them locally, 3) knowledge transfers to support careers and regional development.
Please, follow the application procedure as described here, and contact the COMULIS STSM Coordinator Julia Fernandez Rodriguez (juliafer@cci.sahlgrenska.gu.se) or the Grant Manager of this COST Innovators Grant Daniela Kuzdas-Wood (daniela.kuzdaswood@gmail.com) for further questions.
The steps to apply are straightforward:
The applicant needs to encode an STSM application by logging into e-COST: https://e-services.cost.eu/ and clicking on the STSM application tab. The applicants must use the on-line registration tool to register their request for an STSM at least 3 weeks before the beginning of the STSM.
Obtain a written agreement of the host institution before applying & submit to the STSM Coordinator with the other documents listed below (Letter of support from the HOME institute & Letter of support from the HOST institute)
Submit a Motivation letter
Submit a CV with list of publications (if applicable)