COMULIS is co-organizing the upcoming edition of the ESMI’s Imaging Technology Summer Conference (TOPIM TECH) dedicated to “RESOLUTION REVOLUTION - pushing the limits of resolution & speed across modalities”. TOPIM TECH 2019 will take place from 1st to 6th July 2019 in Chania, Island of Crete. Do not miss to join and present your work!
ABSTRACT submission and REGISTRATION are possible via!
Abstract submission: 14th May 2019
Early bird registration: 29th May 2019
Optoacoustic microscopy – photons and beyond
Multiphoton microscopy techniques – from visible to IR
Diffraction limited vs. diffraction unlimited microscopy
Wavefront shaping microscopy – fighting diffusion
Coherent X ray time-resolved nanoscopy
Structural Electron microscopy
Correlated light electron microscopy
Ultrasound microscopy
Magnetic Particle Imaging
SPEAKERS so far:
Francisco Balzarotti - Göttingen, Germany
Anne Bonnin - Villingen, Switzerland
Emmanuel Bossy - Grenoble, France
Thorsten Buzug – Lübeck, Germany
Peter Friedl - Nijmegen/Houston, The Netherlands/US
Vasilis Ntziachristos - Munich, Germany
Anna Sartori – Paris, France
Mickael Tanter – Paris, France
Xin Yu – Tübingen, Germany
For any further information on programme, registration, and abstract submission