Application Form
For an ITC Conference Grant, you must meet all eligibility criteria. Selection is solely based on the criteria mentioned in the Application Form, including the quality of the conference, the author's contribution and their relevance to the objectives & mission of COMULIS. Please download the Application Form HERE.
Upon completion, please send the Application Form back to the ITC Coordinator Ivana Vrhovac Madunic or the Chair of the Action Andreas Walter.
Please note that you will have to apply also via eCOST system (registration/login HERE), without registering in the eCOST system the application cannot be considered! After creating your profile in eCOST, you will encode your application by clicking on the ITC Conference Grants tab. If the tab does not appear, please check again your registration data. Only applicants affiliated to an ITC being ECIs (Early Career Investigators) are eligible to apply for the grant.
In this application phase, no confirmation of the abstract acceptance by the conference organizers is required.