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Past Event - Satellite Meeting at FOM 2021

Survey to identify bottlenecks and missing standards & parameters to assess quality in correlative microscopy (Review Paper),Identifying novel CLEM approaches for showcase projects of biomedical relevance driven by WG1 meetings (List of joint research question to be tackled & Publication),Survey to identify missing standards & parameters to assess quality in PHI (Review Paper),Identifying novel approaches for showcase projects of biomedical relevance to combine biological and preclinical imaging driven by WG2 meetings (List of joint research question to be tackled),Implementing identified novel CMI pipelines through STSMs,Implementing identified novel CMI pipelines through showcase projects driven by WG3 meetings (Skin Project & Publication),Identifying parameters to assess the power of correlation software,Survey to identify missing solutions & functionalities for correlation software (standardization & evaluation strategies) (Review Paper),Disseminating benefits, knowledge and advances in CMI,Promoting collaborations and awareness between software developers and life scientists